Dr Michael Rankin is one of the presenters at the 2023 Radionics Symposium in Rapid City, South Dakota, November 2-4. 2023.
To register, visit radionicssymposium.com
We will be discussing and presenting technology on:
- Cancer Testing: will be provided by appointment; Free with signup-Energy Patterns and Predictability of Patterns
- Bioresoance Energy Patterns based on century old patterns of sound and light
- Cancer As a Metabolic Disease-perspectives of Energy, Emotions, Miasms and Release-30 minute consultation and Book
- Energy Balancing relating to known and unknown Health Challengs
- Russian Energy Testing: Before and After Testing
Biomedical Testing BIOMEDICAL SCAN TESTING FULL BODY: Biomedical Scan (Every Six weeks with me) Via a hand electrode we evaluate 480,000 parts of the body. It is a two hours per scan, used for LED/Laser detox with vials; See details below for full details. This includes cancer levels, brain function, organ function, microbial stress, toxins, miasm, mycotoxins, Lyme, food allergens and airborne allergens.
- Dan Tuck’s Energy Bed system wit energy support and recovery, based on Hazel Parcel’s orginal concepts, but upgraded with color and healing sound, whioch will connnect to your radionics device or rife device.
- Sami’s Reagent Cards, full sets, details provided via email upon request.
- Based 10 2023 Model with the most advanced and most power system available in the world.
- New Reagent Cards developed by Dr. Rankin based on Kelley Metabolic technology:
- Magnet Therapy:
- Brain Therapy
- Pain reversal