The Advanced Biophoton Analyzer Matrix 3 & A2 Compared

The Advanced Biophoton Analyzer scanning technology devices we sell was invented by Alan Back, ND., C.N.H.P. The primary functions of both the Matrix III and A2 Systems are the same.

The AM3 Matrix System is designed for practitioners who want a convenient system to use with clients. Clients can rest comfortably on the electromagnetic mat while the frequency patterns are automatically applied. NAET professionals have found the AM3 Matrix System particularly effective for clients.

The Most Powerful Fully Automatic Intrinsic Data Field System We Have Ever Used

Intrinsic data field systems are a method of diagnosis and treatment which utilises specially designed instruments Practitioners can determine the underlying causes of diseases within a living system, be it human, animal, plant, or the soil itself. While Intrinsic data field devices are mainly used to diagnose and treat human ailments, it has also been used extensively in agriculture to increase yields, control pests, and enhance livestock health.

Vibrational medicine, or Radionics as it is sometimes termed, is a healing art that originated from the research of the distinguished American physician Dr Albert Abrams. He was born in San Francisco in 1863 and became one of the most highly qualified specialists of his day. A graduate of the University of California, he wrote several medical textbooks and eventually won a national reputation as a specialist in nervous system diseases.

During his research, Abrams made the startling discovery that diseases could be measured in terms of energy, and he devised an instrument that calibrated dials that enabled him to identify and measure disease reactions and intensities. From this work, called E.R.A. of the Electronic Reaction of Abrams, came Radionics as we know it today. Leading British physician Sir James Barr considered Abrams' discoveries among the most significant of the day.

Unsurprisingly, certain medical and scientific community elements attacked Abrams' work and sought to discredit him. In 1924, the year of Abram's death, a committee of the Royal Society of Medicine under the Chairmanship of Sir Thomas (later Lord) Horder investigated his claims. To the astonishment of medicine and science, after exhaustive tests, the committee has to admit that Abrams' claims were proven.

Natural healing enthusiasts worldwide use the Advanced Biophoton Analyzer scanning technology as an energy-balancing strategy to help maintain a healthy state for themselves, their families, and their pets.

The Advanced Biophoton Analyzer is on the cutting edge of technology in Natural Health. As researchers pursue the investigation of subtle energies and informational fields, they continually learn how to use this emerging science to benefit the world around us.

This equipment brings state-of-the-art technologies into our homes and daily lives. Everyone interested in this endeavour can now contribute to the discoveries being made in this field. The equipment is easy to use. It only takes time and common sense to operate successfully. As we experiment with the many health challenges we all face, we hope to find and share simple ways to achieve and maintain natural health and well-being.

We each have to take responsibility for our health. Although this is a handy tool that can aid in achieving wellness, users must be willing to know and understand the dynamics of this instrument and do the work it takes to get effective results. We encourage everyone to be creative and persistent with their experiments.

Researchers using an Analyzer can successfully reduce the amount of offensive energetic interferences the body is exposed to, therefore reducing overload from stress on the total system. This process allows the body to spend more energy striving for health instead of expending overwhelming amounts of energy dealing with disturbances in the self-regulating mechanism that are thought to be responsible for the distress and unhealthy states within the body.

In addition, the Analyzer stimulates safe, gentle detoxification within the system, which helps speed the healing process. Using the Analyzer has made an enormous difference in many people's lives. Individuals have reported they feel better, experience fewer and reduced allergic reactions, can resist illnesses for more extended periods, and are continuing to maintain a healthier, happier life.


"Everything in life is vibration” — Albert Einstein


Health is the ever-changing state of dynamic equilibrium our bodies try to maintain in this highly polluted and ever-changing environment in which we live. We all have to deal with stress from food because of pesticides and added chemicals such as preservatives, artificial flavours and colours.

There is stress from water because of the chemicals added to the water supply to make it safe for drinking. There is stress from the air we breathe because of automobile exhaust and industrial pollution.

We also may have added pressure at the workplace or home because of exposure to various chemicals used in these modern times. Many people today are also suffering from problems associated with allergies.

As our bodies attempt to adapt to the environment, our self-regulating mechanisms can become overloaded or stressed out. With all these sources of stress, it may become difficult to maintain a balanced healthy state, and we may begin to lose our sense of well-being.

In contrast, optimum health is the direct result of choices we make in our daily lives. We can choose to eat healthily by adding lots of organic fruits and vegetables to our diet, taking nutritional supplements if necessary, eating more fibre, consuming less processed foods and reducing our intake of simple sugars. Foods can be positive and health-building, or they can be harmful and have no value for building health but taste good.

Many choose to drink some filtered or purified water. Others decide to get away from the cities and into nature, where there is lots of clean, fresh air, which is usually a good stress reliever.

Choosing to exercise regularly can have a beneficial impact on health. Losing weight and choosing not to smoke are positive steps toward healthy living. The more choices we make which are health-building, the more resistant we become to the stress around us.

Advantages of Intrinsic Data Field Systems

One of the significant advantages of Intrinsic data field Systems is that the person's physical presence is not necessary for treatment - a snippet of their hair is used to act as the link (witness) between patient and practitioner or grandma and grandkids etc.

The witness focuses on attunement between patient and practitioner during analysis and treatment. This link is based on the principles of Holography in which, from a vibration and energy viewpoint, a small portion removed from the whole (e.g. a hair sample drawn from the body) reflects the total energy pattern of the whole, with the ABPA this is very simple as no previous Intrinsic knowledge is required, the unit is fully automatic...

Still, functional health can be a hard thing to maintain. The overload of stress can become overwhelming and hard to manage. Some may look to the advancement of today's technology for extra support. This is where the state-of-the-art technology of the Advanced Biophoton Analyzer can help those trying to obtain success in managing stress to achieve a healthy edge for a healthy future!

Researchers using an Analyzer can successfully reduce the amount of offensive energetic interferences the body is exposed to, therefore reducing overload from stress on the total system. This process allows the body to spend more energy striving for health instead of expending overwhelming amounts of energy dealing with disturbances in the self-regulating mechanism that is thought to be responsible for the distress and unhealthy states within the body.

In addition, the Analyzer stimulates safe, gentle detoxification within the system, which helps speed the healing process. Using the Analyzer has made a massive difference in many people's lives. Individuals have reported they feel better, experience fewer and reduced allergic reactions, can resist illnesses for more extended periods, and are continuing to maintain a healthier, happier life.

We are excited that the Advanced Biophoton Analyzer is on the cutting edge of technology in Natural Health. As researchers pursue the investigation of subtle energies and informational fields, they continually learn how to use this emerging science to benefit the world around us. This equipment brings state-of-the-art technologies into our homes and daily lives. Everyone interested in this endeavour can now contribute to the discoveries in this field. The equipment is easy to use. It only takes time and common sense to operate successfully.

Not a Diagnostic Medical Device

Please keep in mind the Biophoton Analyzer is not a diagnostic medical device and is not used to treat medical conditions. Yet at the same time, thousands of researchers have observed that the ABPA can positively influence the body's energy-handling system. Even though it is not designed to cure any diseases, the ABPA works to effortlessly counter stressful interference within the body's natural regulating mechanism and relieve stress. We believe this device will benefit those individuals who strive to improve the ongoing process of natural healing.

We each have to take responsibility for our health. Although this is a handy tool that can aid in achieving wellness, users must be willing to know and understand the dynamics of this instrument and do the work it takes to get effective results. We encourage everyone to be creative and persistent with their experiments. As we experiment with the many health challenges we all face, we hope to find and share simple ways to achieve and maintain natural health and well-being.

At one level, it can be used to determine the structural and functional integrity of the body and identify the causes of disease hidden within. At another level, choosing the states of the energy centres provides a picture of energy flows in the body. It enables the user to gain a deeper insight into the reasons behind specific physical and psychological imbalances.