“The unknown was always so attractive to me…and still is.”
- Hedy Lamarr
Electronic Homeopathy
Due to various challenges in conventional homeopathy, both in terms of selection, production and preparation of remedies, Ruth Drown arrived at the idea of transferring the principles of radionics to homeopathy.
Thus, for example, it is very time-consuming to determine the appropriate homeopathic remedy and is often made harder because of a lack of self-awareness in patients. In the second stage, the required homeopathic remedy is often not in stock and is not likely to be available until several days have elapsed or not in the necessary potency.
Consequently, there was a search for a proper procedure which would make it possible:
1. To test the homeopathic remedy (in particular if several remedies were available according to the Materia Medica)
2. To reproduce (produce) the homeopathic remedy in the form of its specific content of information
Drown’s first tests produced positive results, leading to “electronic homeopathy” or “new homeopathy”. Thus the therapist can test a similar or appropriate homeopathic remedy (simile or similimum) and imprint the specific informational content of this remedy himself on a carrier substance (production).
The Advantage of Electronic Homoeopathy
Basic to Homeopathic theory and practice is the concept that man and all life forms share a common ground in that they are immersed in the electromagnetic field of the earth; and further that each life form has its electromagnetic field, which is sufficiently distorted, will ultimately result in disease of the organism.
Accepting that all is energy, Intrinsic data field systems see organs, diseases and remedies having their particular frequency or vibration. These factors can be expressed in numerical values, known as 'Rates' or in a form of Geometric Patterns.
These provide how the practitioner identifies and treats disease at a distance. Intrinsic data field systems also take cognisance that many finely organised fields of energy lie beyond those identified by science and that these fields can be utilised for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Thus, Radionics is a healing art where physics and para-physics, science and religion, meet and merge.
Neither for testing nor the production of remedies is it necessary to have an original treatment available because the corresponding rate can always simulate the cure.
- You have total freedom of decision-making regarding the choice of potency (the best option is to test!).
- You obtain entirely new methods and possibilities in therapy (especially for diagnostic processes).
- Helps to reduce the stress on your body's energetic system.
- Support and reinforce your body's natural balance for optimal health.
- Support the detoxifying of your body at a safe and gentle rate.
- Neutralise stressful energetic residue that may be contaminating our foods.
- Antidote and neutralise the energetic effects of chemicals and toxins in household products that may weaken your body (household and personal care cleaning products).
- Neutralise harmful energies in your living area and land, including sick buildings, water and soil.
- Helps to reduce the effects of electromagnetic fields that may weaken your immune system.
- Customise the energetic match of a homeopathic remedy.
- Create your isopathic restorative structure in just 40 seconds.
With the APBA System, your homeopathic dispenser is available to you 365 days per year and 24 hours a day.
Accepting that such treatment can be effective at a distance may be difficult.
However, the weight of clinical evidence shows it is very effective in many cases. 'Action at a distance’, as this phenomenon is called, is not new to science.
Today a great deal of research is being carried out by scientific institutions. They are finding out that humans, plants and animals respond to projected thought patterns, and this phenomenon occurs no matter how far the distance between the subjects is under investigation.
The Significant Advantages of Radionics
Their findings now bear out the rationale of Radionics. One of the significant advantages of Radionics is that it is often possible to discover potentially serious conditions early and, by appropriate treatment, prevent them from developing to a point where they become clinically identifiable.
As Electronic homeopathy treatment takes place at a non-physical level, it cannot harm any living tissue or produce any unnatural side effects.
Homeopathy is concerned with the healing of the whole man, with the health pattern or entelechy of the individual. The health pattern is a singular, unitary force within the structures of man that ensures adequate and optimum functioning of his body's systems.
The purpose of Homeopathic therapy is to help the individual to re-establish his optimum pattern of health.
Homeopathy has never been taken seriously by mainstream science because it defies 'common sense', but in recent years physicists have demonstrated the truth of a level of reality outside the space-time 'stage' on which our lives are played out.
At this level, we are all connected instantaneously because neither time nor distance are real. It may be the reality from which we emerge into the world and return when our material lives are over - a fact where the pattern of perfect living beings - humans, animals, plants, microbes - is found.
But what does all this mean practically for those with health concerns? It means that in Homeopathic, we seem to have a powerful additional strategy for managing illness. Animals respond well to Homeopathic techniques, and 'putting him on the box' is commonplace in equestrian circles. Many people use it to promote the health of garden plants and crops.
As a supplement to conventional care, homeopathic techniques are reported to be helpful in a wide range of physical and emotional problems. They can often help when conventional strategies have little to offer.
Many clients use Homeopathic as a preventative therapy and have regular checks on the state of their subtle energy rather like an MOT on the car!
One great advantage is that those unable to travel can be treated as readily as those who can.
Maybe the world is finally ready to take electronic Homeopathy seriously. In 'Vibrational Medicine for the 21st Century' (Piatkus), Richard Gerber, M.D. writes:
"Radionics is a unique healing modality in that it is a system of diagnosis and treatment geared to more than just the physical body. It may ultimately teach us the most about the nature of healing and human consciousness itself."